ESA Climate Change Initiative
In a wide-ranging science communication project, Planetary Visions has developed data visualisation software and content for the European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative.
The CCI Visualisation Tool is an interactive exhibit showcasing more than thirty years of global satellite observations of thirteen climate variables. Aimed at scientists, project managers, policymakers and other stakeholders, the CCI "viztool" has been exhibited at scientific conferences, trade shows such as the Paris Air Show and intergovernmental meetings including the UN Climate Conferences.
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Climate from Space is a digital book app for iPad and Android aimed at a general public audience, combining the exhibition software's virtual globes and maps with engaging, richly-illustrated text and interviews with project scientists. The app explains climate change, the impact it has on our daily lives, and how satellites are used to monitor the climate.
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Climate from Space is also available on the web.
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A series of video animations combine data visualisation with computer graphics to show how individual climate variables interact, and how they contribute to climate phenomena such as El Nino or global warming. As well as being shown in an exhibition environment, these animation sequences are being incorporated into the app, used on ESA's website and Web TV channel, and released to the world's broadcast media.
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Planetary Visions is responsible for the design, software development, writing and animation production for the CCI Visualisation Corner, working closely with ESA's Climate Office at Harwell in the UK and the leaders of the fourteen CCI science teams across Europe.
Read our posters about the project, presented at ESA's Living Planet Symposium:
Communicating Climate Change (Bonn, 2022)
Visualising the Results of ESA's Climate Change Initiative (Milan, 2019)